privatpraxis für physio 






Dear patients,

it´s with a heavy heart that I gave up my practice "b14" in Boetzowstreet as of 01.05.23.

This decision was not easy for me. But I want to focus more in my location, the practice "c79" in Choriner Street.


For you as a patient, not much will change because the team from the "b14" will move to the "c79" as well.


I would like to thank you very much for your trust in me and my team, and I will be happy about a recommendation or if we meet again in the "c79".


The team of physio+therapy consist of very passionate physiotherapists.

We have set ourselves the goal of designing and implementing the optimal healing and recovery process for and with every patient.

Benefit from the yearlong experience we have working with professional athletes, orthopaedic trauma surgery and traumatic diseases. The way that we look at the body as a whole and the interdisciplinary way of working are the important part of our Praxis.


Manuelle Therapie | Krankengymnastik | Manuelle Lymphdrainage | Sportphysiotherapie | Klassische Massage

Kinesiotaping | Wärmetherapie | Kältetherapie | Schröpfen